Articulations of Sin, Two

Courtesy Alle Jong

Is there hope for the wretched? 

Sin seeds itself deep in my heart. 

Transgression's rage defiles

my heart, from my start. 

Iniquity springs up like lilies, 

casting enticing shadows, 

my soul fading to black - foul, 

and in dark delight. 

I have Your Spirit.

I walk in faith and repentance. 

Your blood and mercy, 

cleanses… pardons. 

Wisdom is taught, 

light is filling my heart.

Yet fruits of darkness are still born, 

deeds done, thoughts not shunned. 

Mourning, "Oh what have I done?" 

Yearning, "Oh Light come." 

Yet iniquity's roots still hold sway, 

my heart's impulses till the last day. 

Bursts of lust, flashes of malice,

tormented by my wretchedness. 

Heart's enraged, soul's embroiled. 

Iniquity secretly plotted, 

sin deceitfully enjoyed…

The jig is up! I'm's wretched. 

Days go by, 

flesh and bone wastin'. 

Joy departs, all peace forfeited. 

Sin's promises now torment, 

iniquities cords I now regret. 

Sin's table of delights 

gratified the greed of my flesh. 

Fattened by the spoils of conquest, 

delectable morsels now made bitter portions. 

Greed has torn my gut, 

nausea has gone his way... 

Fatigued by iniquity, 

I confess to my God. 

From sin to Yahweh, 

from self to His way. 

I've repented. 

-Your way is best. 

Or have I repented? 

The future is the test.

Is there hope for the wretched? 

- Jared Williams


  1. A monkey has written this. Be warned! More than anything peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are thought about, and not the filth in my navel. Enjoy :)

  2. I especially enjoyed the last "paragraph" :) I've repented. Your way is best. Or have I repented? The future is the test.

    1. Thanks. A rather morbid, but relatable ending :)


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