Trinitarian Rap

Oh mystical sweet communion,

with Christ the Father's Son.

Of the Father's essence is He,

with Spirit; Three in One.

Rich founts of Love in Unity, 

poured upon Their chosen ones. 

Their grace to Christ:

"Win Our church's redemption." 

Their grace to Christ, 

a plan for death, and resurrection. 

Oh mystical sweet communion, 

with Christ the Father's Son.

Humiliation: His Father's decree.

Descended from heaven, 

He chooses condescension. 

The Spirit with virgin,

Emmanuel's conception. 

Son of God, 

Son of man,

incarnate Deity. 

His humble obedience, 

wins the Sovereign's delight. 

For the God-man broke forth,

into this earthly plight. 

Oh mystical sweet communion, 

with Christ the Father's Son.

The temple of Yahweh, 

the ladder of Jacob, 

bright His glory burns. 

The temptations of Satan, 

the scourges of Pilate, 

still bright His glory burns. 

In all that He does, 

His Father's pleasure He knows. 

In all that He does, 

the Spirit's rich fervour bestowed. 

The Word is His name, 

the Father's Person proclaimed. 

Oh mystical sweet communion, 

with Christ the Father's Son. 

The sinner, the murderer,

the drunkard, the stoner,

the swindler, the thief. 

He these will set free. 

The liar, the porn-addict, 

the homosexual, the fornicator. 

He these will set free. 

The prideful, and the haughty. 

He these will set free.

The lost and broken Jesus mends, 

"This Yahweh’s year of Jubilee!" 

He calls for faith and repentance. 

Lest His justice break forth, 

with judgement and terror. 

To rid earth of the wicked, 

and make slaughter of the wretched. 


  1. Undoubtedly inspired by Shai Linne - to be read with his voice in mind :) - but no doubt nothing close to his lyrical genius, hehe. Now for someone to rap this for me!

  2. I'll rap it for you!


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